During the past few months, I've been busily composing a 3-movement work for string orchestra and percussion on the topic of climate change, titled Elegy for the End of Nature.
I'm currently looking for Project Partners who are interested in co-premiering the piece. There is no commission fee - just the commitment to purchase the sheet music (at a discount) and perform the work. The music is grade 4, and several youth orchestras, colleges, and community orchestras have already signed on to the project.
I drew some inspiration from Vivaldi's concept for The Four Seasons, namely the idea of including a poem to accompany each part of the work. The poems included in Elegy for the End of Nature reflect on a particular aspect of climate change and continue the story told in Vivaldi's poem for Summer from The Four Seasons. If you are interested in reading more about the project and the music, click here.
A portion of all sales from Elegy for the End of Nature will be donated to advance climate technologies and policies. It's one small way that you and I can both do something to address this ever-growing crisis.
Residency at University of Central Florida: Recap and Pictures
This past week, I had the privilege of visiting the University of Central Florida and working with the UCF Symphony Orchestra, under the direction of Chung Park. The orchestra premiered two new pieces of mine - Vermont State Fair and Winter Song - on two concerts.
On Friday, February 20th, the orchestra presented an open rehearsal for an audience of several hundred people at St. Luke’s Church in Oviedo. The first concert was held at St. Luke’s Church on Saturday, February 21st, and on February 22nd, the orchestra traveled to Leesburg, FL to present the program at Hawthorne at Leesburg. Between all these events, about 2,000 people heard this brand new music!
In addition to working with the orchestra, I had a great time meeting composition students at UCF and presenting a short talk featuring career tips for composers.
Here are a few pictures from the events:
- Looking over the score to Vermont State Fair as the UCF Symphony presented an open rehearsal at St. Luke’s Church, Oviedo, FL. Image Compliments of Oviedo Photo Club
- Giving a presentation to student composers titled “Composing as Your Career (or part of your career).” Photo by Chung Park.
- Pre-concert lecture with conductor Chung Park at St. Luke’s Church, Oviedo, FL. Image Compliments of Oviedo Photo Club
- Pre-concert lecture with conductor Chung Park at St. Luke’s Church, Oviedo, FL. Image Compliments of Oviedo Photo Club
- Concert at St. Luke’s Church, Oviedo, FL. George Weremchuk, soprano saxophone premiered “Winter Song” with the UCF Symphony and conductor Chung Park. Image Compliments of Oviedo Photo Club
- George Weremchuk, me, and Chung Park after the performance at Hawthorne at Leesburg in Leesburg, FL. Photo by Ashley Danyew.
Thanks so much to Chung Park and the UCF composition faculty for having me, and George Weremchuk and the students of the Symphony Orchestra for performing my music!
Sneak Peek: "Winter Song" for Flute and String Orchestra
Yes, it is Spring, and yes I am working on a piece called “Winter Song.” But, I live in Rochester, NY, so it is basically Winter all year long here – cut me some slack. This new piece is for my good friend Chung Park, Director of Orchestral Studies at Appalachian State University. It is written for flute and string orchestra that uses material from a piece I wrote a few years ago for flute and marimba. I liked much of the material I originally wrote, but recently, I felt like strings would be a better fit, and decided to take the opportunity to revise and improve the ideas.
An important harmonic element in the piece is a sonority that I really enjoy – major 7th chords in various voicings. The main chord structure that helps inform the harmonic progression of the work is a series of two fifths, stacked on top of each other, separated in the middle by a half step (i.e. C, G and Ab, Eb). I use this sonority throughout and move the chord by fifths, sequentially, through all twelve keys.
Here is a rough MIDI export of the first 3 ½ minutes:
[audio http://www.stevedanyew.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/Winter_Song_midi.mp3]