Lessons from a Street-Wise Professor: What You Won’t Learn at Most Music Schools - 2nd Edition
2nd Edition Now Available!
Following on the success of the 1st edition, this new release includes new sections on social media, websites, email marketing, crowdfunding, interviewing, documenting your work, professional writing, publishing your work, a profile on Brooklyn Duo, and more!
The professional music world...it's tough out there! Yet musicians manage to survive and even thrive in this competitive environment. Lessons from a Street-Wise Professor encourages the reader to take his or her skills, talents and interests and put them into a package - You, Inc. A musician is like a small store where clients come to buy your musical services. It can be a corner store where selections may be generic, or it can be a specialty boutique. We want boutiques. The authors' mission is to help young musicians who are at point A in life, figure out where they want to be (point B), and to discover their path to get there. It's realistic but positive, because the truth really is that one can craft a successful, meaningful, personalized career based on interests and talents, and that is one of the fantastic things about being a musician. Among the many practical skills you'll learn are:
developing an entrepreneurial mindset
understanding your musical marketplace
separating yourself from the pack
navigating professional relationships
maintaining your artistic integrity while striving for financial success
Perfect for music students just entering the professional world or for anyone considering a career in music—and a helpful read for non-musicians and old pros, too!
Download the FREE Teacher’s Guide!
We created this FREE Teacher’s Guide as a supplementary companion to the 2nd Edition. Having used this book in our classes at the Eastman School of Music, we have developed a wealth of in-class activities and assignments that we are sharing with you. Our goal is to save you time and give you some tried and tested ideas that we know are effective and that students find helpful. The Teacher's Guide includes 18 topics taken directly from the 2nd edition of the book, and has suggested page readings, in-class activities, and assignments for each topic.